Mission & Values

Our mission.

We recognize that animals are sentient individuals and so we defend them.

We focus on positive and inclusive community-building in order to create a resilient network of like-minded people.

We expose the animal agriculture industry in order to end the exploitation of farmed animals and cultivate a vegan world.

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The Platinum Rule:

At We The Free, community is at the heart of everything we do. Therefore, words and actions that support other team members' growth and wellbeing are welcome and encouraged. Words or actions that aim to hurt any member of the community are uncool.

Most of us are likely familiar with The Golden Rule - treat others how you would like to be treated.  We The Free team members go by The Platinum Rule: treat others how THEY would like to be treated. Empathy, kindness, and open communication are key to respecting each other's feelings and perspectives.


Our Values

1. All animals should be free.

We denounce all uses of nonhuman animals and actively work to end their exploitation and all forms of violence against them.

2. We are proudly nonviolent

We exercise kindness, compassion, and nonviolence. We lead by example and effectively de-escalate conflict.

3. We build inclusive communities

We are committed to inclusivity and diversity. We are against all forms of discrimination, bullying and harassment. We are respectful and inclusive toward individuals of any race, gender, species, culture, age, sexual orientation, religious and political affiliation.

4. We embrace growth

In order to better help the nonhuman animals we represent, we strive to develop continuously as individuals, as a community, and as an organization.

5. We encourage regular feedback

A sustainable and resilient community is built upon open communication. Therefore, we encourage and embrace positive and constructive feedback.



Learn more about WTF’s commitment to:

Leadership and Community